Download The Dark Wind: A Leaphorn And Chee Novel [PDF] By Tony Hillerman

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The Dark Wind: A Leaphorn And Chee Novel book pdf download for free or read online, also The Dark Wind: A Leaphorn And Chee Novel pdf was written by Tony Hillerman.

Anthony Grove Hillerman (May 27, 1925 – October 26, 2008) was an American crime fiction and non-fiction author best known for his mysteries with Navajo tribal police officers Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee. Several of his works have been adapted as stage and television films.

Tony Hillerman was born in Sacred Heart, Oklahoma to August Alfred Hillerman, a farmer and merchant, and his wife Lucy Grove. He was the youngest child of their three children and second son. His paternal grandparents were born in Germany and his maternal grandparents in England. He grew up in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, and attended elementary and high school with children from Pottawatomie.

Jeffrey Herlihy argues that this background allowed for “a markedly different portrayal of Native Americans in his writing” compared to other authors of his time. “Growing up in the India,” Hillerman said of his childhood, “didn’t have ‘us and them’.”

He was a distinguished veteran of World War II and served as a mortar operator with the 103rd Infantry Division in the European theater from August 1943 to October 1945. He was awarded with the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Hillerman attended the University of Oklahoma after the war and met Marie Unzner, a microbiology student. The couple is married and has one biological son and five adopted children.

From 1948 to 1962 he worked as a journalist and in 1952 he moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico. In 1966 he moved with his family to Albuquerque, where he earned a master’s degree from the University of New Mexico. While writing for the Borger News-Herald in Borger, Texas, he met the Hutchinson County Sheriff, the man after whom he would model the main character in his Joe Leaphorn novels. He taught journalism at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque from 1966 to 1987 and also began writing novels. He lived there with his wife Marie until her death in 2008. At the time of his death, they had been married for 60 years and had 10 grandchildren.

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A consistently successful author, he was ranked the 22nd richest man in New Mexico in 1996. He have written 18 books in his Navajo series. He wrote more than 30 books in all, including a treatise and books on the Southwest, its beauty and history. His literary honors were given for his Navajo books. Hillerman’s books have been translated into eight languages, including Danish and Japanese.

Hillerman’s writing is notable for the cultural detail he provides about his subjects: Hopi, Zuni, European-American, federal agents, and particularly the Navajo tribal police force. His non-fiction and fiction books reflect his appreciation for the natural wonders of the American Southwest and his appreciation for its people, particularly the Navajo.

His crime novels are set in the Four Corners area of ​​New Mexico and Arizona, sometimes reaching Colorado and Utah, with occasional trips to the big cities of Washington, DC, Los Angeles and New York City. The protagonists of the story are Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee from the Navajo Tribal Police. Lieutenant Leaphorn was introduced in Hillerman’s first novel, The Blessing Way (1970). Sergeant Jim Chee was introduced in the fourth novel, People of Darkness. The two first work together in the seventh novel, Skinwalkers, which is considered to be his breakthrough novel, with a significant increase in sales from the two cops working together.

Hillerman made repeated commitments to an earlier series of crime novels written by British-born Australian author Arthur W. Upfield and set among Australian Aboriginal tribal peoples in remote desert regions of tropical and subtropical Australia. First published in 1928, Upfield’s novels were about a half-European, half-Australian aborigine, detective inspector Napoleon (Bony) Bonaparte. Bony worked with a deep understanding of tribal traditions. The character was based on the achievements of an Aboriginal man named Tracker Leon, whom Upfield met during his years in the Australian bush.

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Hillerman discussed his debt to Upfield in many interviews and in his introduction to the 1984 posthumous reprint of Upfield’s A Royal Abduction. In the introduction he described the appeal of Upfield’s crime descriptions. It was the descriptions of both the harsh places of the outback and “the people who somehow survived there” that drew him. “When my own Jim Chee of the Navajo Tribal Police solves a mystery because he understands his people’s way of life when he reads the signs on the sandy bottom of a reservation stream, he follows in the footsteps that Bony left 50 years ago. “

He also credited Eric Ambler, Graham Greene, and Raymond Chandler as authors who influenced him in writing the Leaphorn and Chee novels.

In an interview published in Le Monde, Hillerman said his Navajo name means “he who is afraid of his horse.”

Tony Hillerman died of respiratory failure in Albuquerque on October 26, 2008 at the age of 83.

BookThe Dark Wind: A Leaphorn And Chee Novel
AuthorTony Hillerman
Size MB
CategoryFiction Thriller – Suspense

The Dark Wind: A Leaphorn And Chee Novel Book PDF download for free

The Dark Wind: A Leaphorn And Chee Novel Book PDF download for free

The corpse was “scalded”, its palms and soles were removed after death. Sergeant Jim Chee of the Navajo Tribal Police knows immediately that this case will have his hands full, a certainty reinforced by the disturbing events that will follow.

A mysterious overnight plane crash, a missing cocaine shipment and a bizarre windmill attack only add to Chee’s fears. A dark and evil wind is blowing across the desert southwest, a storm fueled by Navajo sorcery and white man’s greed. And it will all sweep away unless Chee can somehow change the weather.

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The Dark Wind: A Leaphorn And Chee Novel Book Pdf Download

It seems that the Navajos do not believe in revenge or punishment. Bad behavior is the result of being out of the control. The Dark Wind enters the person who commits bad deeds. He needs a healing ceremony, not punishment. This book perfectly illustrates the thinking about evil among Navajo and white men.

At the center of the criminal activities is a drug delivery gone wrong. Jimmy Chee of the Navajo Tribal Police happens to be involved in the case. While checking a destroyed windmill, he happened to be in the area where the drug shipment was planned. Before he knows it, the FBI decides he’s probably an accomplice!

The plot is complicated, enlivened by many rumors about reservations about witchcraft. Besides the witch, there’s also a wizard in the storyline, not to mention an older Hopi sage visiting a secret shrine. Chee’s skillful conversation with the Hopi elder is a priceless scene.

I love the fantastic landscapes that Hillerman describes so well and the evocative place names like Black Mesa, Burnt Water, Window Rock…

And Navajo nicknames are always fun, like Longwiskers and Ironfingers.

As Chee’s research unfolds, we get a great look at Navajo-style hunting. Chee prepares to go after the drug lord by purifying himself through ancient rituals. The songs are very beautiful.

I find all of Hillerman’s Navajo Mysteries a unique and rewarding reading experience.

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