Download Crooked Kingdom [PDF] By Leigh Bardugo

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Crooked Kingdom book pdf download for free or read online, also Crooked Kingdom pdf was written by Leigh Bardugo.

Leigh Bardugo is an Israeli-American fantasy writer. She is best known for her Grishaverse young adult novels, including the Shadow and Bone trilogy, the Six of Crows duology, and the King of Scars series. She also received recognition for her adult paranormal fantasy debut, Ninth House. The Shadow and Bone and Six of Crows series have been adapted into Shadow and Bone by Netflix and Ninth House is being adapted by Amazon Studios; Bardugo is executive producer of both works.

Bardugo was born in Jerusalem, Israel in 1975 and grew up in Los Angeles, California, USA, where she was raised by her grandparents. She is a secular Jew of paternal Sephardic Jewish (Moroccan-Jewish) descent and maternal Ashkenazi Jewish (Russian-Jewish and Lithuanian-Jewish) descent.

She attended the Yale University and graduated with an English degree in the spring of 1997. She was the member of Wolf’s Head secret society. Before publishing her first novel, she worked in writing and journalism, as well as makeup and special effects.

Bardugo’s debut novel, Shadow and Bone, the first book in the Grisha trilogy, was published by Macmillan in 2012. Shadow and Bone was nominated for a Romantic Times Book Award and a South Carolina Children’s Book Award, was named Indie Next List Book and was reviewed in The New York Times. The novel reached #8 on the New York Times Best Seller list and was selected for film adaptation by David Heyman and DreamWorks. The other books in trilogy, Siege and Storm and Ruin and Rising, were published by the Macmillan in year 2013 and 2014 respectively. Bardugo defines the Shadow and Bone genre as tsarpunk, a fantasy inspired by early 19th century Russia.

The Six of Crows (Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom) duology was published by Macmillan in 2015 and 2016. It is also set in the same universe as Grisha trilogy (sometimes collectively referred to as the “Grishaverse”). Six of Crows was named a Notable Book and ALA-YALSA Top Ten Pick by The New York Times in 2016. The Language of Thorns, a collection of Grisha fairy tales and the folk tales, was published by the Macmillan in year 2017.

Bardugo then wrote the first book in the DC Icons series, which are novels of DC Comics’ greatest superheroes; Her Wonder Woman: Warbringer was published by Penguin Random House in 2017.

In year 2019, Bardugo published her first adult novel, Ninth House, which later won the 2019 Goodreads Choice Award for the Best Fantasy Novel.

Bardugo also has essays and short stories in the anthology collections such as A Superhero Saved My Life, Last Night, Slasher Girls and Monster Boys, and Summer Days and Summer Nights. Her books have been translated in 22 languages ​​and published around the world in more than 50 countries.

Bardugo appeared at a Grishaverse panel at New York Comic Con in October 2020 alongside showrunner Heisserer. Goodreads ranked her as the sixth most popular author between 2016 and 2021.

BookCrooked Kingdom
AuthorSarah Adams
Size4 MB
CategoryFiction Novel

Crooked Kingdom Book PDF download for free

Crooked Kingdom Book PDF download for free

Kaz Brekker and his team have just pulled off a heist so audacious they didn’t even think they’d survive it. But instead of giving a big reward, they fight for their lives back. Doubly betrayed and severely weakened, the crew is left with few resources, allies, and hope.

As powerful forces from around the world descend on Ketterdam to unravel the mysteries of the dangerous drug known as Jurda Parem, old rivals and new enemies emerge to challenge Kaz’s cunning and to test the team’s loyalty. A war is waged in the dark and winding streets of the city: a fight for revenge and redemption that will decide the fate of the Grisha world.

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Crooked Kingdom Book Pdf Download

First of all, I have to point out the sheer eloquence of the author. The writing itself is so beautiful and delightfully visual. Bardugo forms his sentences so smoothly and sweetly that he could drink them down and ask for another drink. There are so many powerful and quotable lines, and there were more than a few moments where I was like, “I need all the fanart on this now.”

The pacing is also brilliant – I haven’t read much lately and been very restless and had a hard time concentrating on the books, but it kept me wanting to put it down.
One of my comments on the Shadow and Bone trilogy was that I loved the hints of darkness that it had and wanted it to be even more ruthless, and I feel like Bardugo really pulled that off. The tone is perfect, really gritty but incredibly funny, with lighter moments and great humor to break the killer spirit.

In addition to being such a beautiful author, the plot never failed to amaze me and completely captivated me. I loved how Bardugo gave away nuggets of information at a time, just enough to keep you interested but never enough to clear things up. And with the way he writes the characters, it’s often like you’re figuring out the plan with them, with Kaz being the one person who knows everything and holds all the cards.

I was always amazed at how clever it is and how everything is so meticulously planned in a way that feels incredibly far fetched and downright believable.
Part of what has kept me so engaged is that it always feels really dangerous. The gang keeps finding themselves in jams that I don’t think there is a way out of, and I am absolutely hooked and worried about all of them, not knowing how it will end. And usually when characters repeatedly escape from situations like that, it loses a bit of its intensity and I just get bored, but it was always done with such imagination and intelligence that it stayed interesting.

As much as I loved the intrigue, the danger, the action, and the darkness, I was very happy to see that despite all of this, there is still a constant focus on the character development of each of the gang members, their relationships. each other and revealing more of their backstories. It’s one of the most compelling stories I’ve read in a long time, but even that doesn’t mean anything if the characters aren’t fresh, so working to take care of them during that time has made a world of difference.

I felt something for each and every member of the crew, but I don’t think I’d ever read a character like Kaz. He’s absolutely despicable and I don’t like him in the slightest, but I… do I love him a little? I totally respect him and was attached to his every action because she is such a compelling character. I feel like if he lived in the barrel, I would follow him without hesitation and happily risk my life to prove myself to him knowing what a monster he is, and more than a little disgusted and scared of him. It is a very complicated feeling.

Finally, and kind of on a side note, I just want a round of applause, please, for Bardugo’s approach to diversity. Another ethnicity? I don’t mind. Not directly? Whatever bro. Differently gifted? Who gives Although this is a fantasy world and obviously very different from real life experiences, there are many brilliant representations in it. But the best part is that it doesn’t shout about it in any way; All the characters are judged only on what they can do, not who they are, and the respect and equality shown feels completely natural. It felt so positive and such a great example for other books.

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This book was intense, funny, heartbreaking and beautiful and it definitely gets 5 stars without hesitation.

First off, I’d like to point out that overall I felt this series was much darker than the Grischa trilogy. This could be seen as a pro or a con depending on who you are, but personally I’m happy about it. Leigh Bardugo does an amazing job of giving you just enough without going too far until the book loses its beauty. The things these children endured made what they had learned to survive more real and, in many ways, made their struggles more relatable.

I loved the relationships he continues to foster between the characters in this book, both romantic and platonic. They ate, they were so beautifully done. I loved the way romantic relationships did NOT take over the plot. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a hopeless romantic and I LOVE good romance, but the atmosphere Bardugo created for the characters was unrealistic for constant make-out sessions or even lovemaking.

She created a slow fall that made you ache for the characters as they struggled to fight the human desire that she paints so richly with each of them as theyafter trying to focus their minds on the main goal of staying alive. Every little gesture is worth ten long kissing scenes or hot and violent quick sex scenes because it means so much more in the desperate reality of the team. Sure, there was a downtime when Bardugo could have made things happen, instead he chose to weave deeper connections that weren’t purely physical, and he didn’t stop forging stronger bonds between friends to foster a deeper romance. thrilling.

This was a successful continuation of this series. I love the world, the characters, and the beautifully twisted plot. This is the second and final book for Six of Crows duology. I really enjoyed it.

I listened to this as an audiobook. Actually, I wasn’t a big fan of the audiobook (I read the first book in hardcover). There are different narrators for each point of view, which is a good idea but it doesn’t work so well in this case. You end up with very different voices for the different characters depending on which point of view you’re listening to. Some of them are very annoying; For example, Wylan’s POV narrator made Kaz’s voice very scratchy and scratchy, which was annoying and very different from the other narrators. Personally, I’d recommend reading a print copy of this and skipping the audio version.

This story is still an Ocean’s 11 type fantasy book. There is a lot of intrigue and intrigue. Kaz is his totally invulnerable planner who has backup plans for his backup plans and always comes out on top, even when it looks like he got caught.

I love all the characters here; They all have a lot of depth and each one is fascinating in its own right. I also loved how the story was told from so many points of view and yet told such a beautifully cohesive story. Too many points of view often break the story, but for this book it works amazingly well. The stories of all the characters are beautifully interwoven to form the main story.

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This book does a good job of wrapping up the main story. Like I said, I’m pretty sure this is a duology. The last few chapters confused me a bit because it almost seemed like Bardugo was preparing for another story. Also, there were some loose ends that weren’t wrapped at all. I wonder if these will be covered in a spin-off series or if they’re just meant to drive home the fact that life goes on.

Overall, I really liked this book. The story is well written, has some amazing characters, and the world building is wonderful too. The story weaves through a series of point of views (POVs) and works wonderfully for this book. My only complaint is that I wish some aspects of the story were better tied together. Hopefully some of these characters will show up in a spin-off story at some point. This duology is definitely recommended for fantasy fans who like an Ocean’s 11 style story.

Crooked Kingdoms is the second and final book in the Six of Crows duology and picks up a few days after the events of Six of Crows. This final novel is an incredible story about overcoming impossible odds, healing, and friendship. I thought each character arc was beautifully written and thoroughly enjoyed watching each of our beloved characters grow and overcome their own inner demons. This book made me laugh, cry, and did everything you could want from the book!

A quick fact about this book/series:

  • Aesthetically stunning book: the margins are bright red (how cool is that!), the cover is gorgeous, the chapter titles are whimsical too
    -Different Characters- One of the strongest aspects of this book is the cast of characters. Contains POCs, characters with significant difficulty working, and multiple characters with different sexual orientations/backgrounds (I find this particularly important in YA Lit as readers should have the opportunity to have heroes they personally identify with and can relate to ) .
    -Charming plot- Fast paced, unexpected plot twists and a fantastic ending
    -People- Suitable for people over 13 years old. This book is violent and covers some heavier topics (like prostitution/human trafficking), but it doesn’t contain overly explicit material and has enough character development to make it a great book for people to read and reflect on the world. .

Although Leigh Bardugo followed the rules that she set for herself in the Grisha universe, she managed to keep me up to date on everything that Nina and Jesper are experiencing. I’m glad she didn’t suddenly change the rules to ease the excitement and novelty, but she did clarify the rules she already had. It seems like fantasy writers often lay down a rule and then break it with a lackluster explanation just so they can move the story along. Bardugo doesn’t, and I respect him tremendously for that.

As I said in my Six of Crows review, I am so glad I read the Grisha trilogy before reading this book. You don’t have to, but I highly recommend it. The crossover character cameos are so much bigger and knowing exactly who they are made it so much more enjoyable than not being able to tell them a story.

Jay Snyder also came back and reprized his role as Matthias and, like in Six of Crows, killed him off. His voice is deep and smooth and suits the Fjerdan soldier/rebel. He also does a good job of changing the tone and accent of the characters, which is very important for a good storyteller.

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