Download Tragic Bonds [PDF] By J Bree

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Tragic Bonds book pdf download for free or read online, also Tragic Bonds pdf was written by J Bree.

J Bree is a dreamer, writer, mom, farmer, and cat fighter.

The order of priorities changes daily. She lives on a small farm in a small rural town in Australia that no one has ever heard of.

She spends her days daydreaming about all of her book friends, listening to her partner complain about how grapes grow, and being a snack whore for her two children.

BookTragic Bonds ( The Bonds That Tie Book 5 )
AuthorJ Bree
Size1.6 MB

Tragic Bonds Book PDF download for free

Tragic Bonds Book PDF download for free

Tragic Bonds is a full-length reverse harem PNR novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. This book will end on a cliffhanger.

It is recommended for those over 18 years of age due to the language and sexual situation. Book 5 of the series of 6 books.

Tragic Bonds Book Pdf Download

I have to be honest; I am devastated by this book. On the one hand, I really liked it. On the other, it felt like there’s something missing. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been obsessed with this series since the first chapter of Book 1, but I felt like this one was a bit flat, like it was more of a filler and there wasn’t much going on other than the beginning and end. I may have to reread it to really absorb it, but that’s how I feel right now. I have to say though, this twist hit me in the face and I loved it.

I think the thing that bothered me the most was Nox. I felt like he was turning into a clam or a zombie. I was waiting for his wits and bite to come back, but we didn’t. I understand that in the previous books it was more aimed at Oli and he was an effective tool to keep the distance between them but he still would have wished for some kind of life to come back to him and I understand that considering what happened to him he will be different but like I said, it was almost like he wasn’t there at all. She almost preferred the older version of him.

I still love him, don’t get me wrong, and I hope we get to see a little more of him in the next book, and I’m so glad I got to see more of his backstory of him and why he was the way he was. , and that completely broke my heart, but I expected more.

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There was also lack of action and I waited for the other shoe to drop and it took time but we finally got there. But other than that, it was great to get some backstory and get another look at the main story. I love that Oli and the boys kicked butt. I would also like to hear more about the aspect of God in the story. I found it fascinating as we read it and I hope we learn more in the next book. I’m very excited to see that what happens in the final book. I have so many theories and that’s what I love about J Bree, his books are unpredictable and leave us guessing.

I also want to mention that the secondary characters are great and I love their roles. They’re relevant enough that you want to watch them, but they don’t take anything away from the main characters, which is great. I’m looking forward to the ending and I know it will blow our minds.

OMG!!! The cliffhanger of the last book totally killed me. It literally started with this pain in my chest that never ended until I held this book in my hands lol. I knew things were going to be okay, but I had to read it to believe it. Losing Nox was one of my biggest fears because even though he was never an active participant in Bonds stuff, his personality made me love him more. The pain of him, the fear of him and everything that made him the most compelling character for me and knowing what he went through to make it. That was so damn sad. I still can’t believe this. It’s so sad.

This book is the penultimate book in this series and it has everything you could want and then some! It’s the perfect part and the ending surprised me lol. I thought everything was over. But then the tension, the very reason for the power of these bonds, and basically every revelation made me feel like something big was about to happen. A great twist that would surprise us all and make this series even more interesting! When that finally happened, I was so happy. The cliffhanger is bad, but not as bad as the last book.

I definitely recommend this series to all lovers of Dark Romance RH. Even if you don’t read fantasy or paranormal things, this is the book for you! He’s a new guy but he’s the best! You’ll never regret it.

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J Bree continues to be my OWN with this series, truly one of the most innovative, creative and addictive PNR series I have ever read. I live and breathe this story, few series have captivated me like this one and each book is more complicated, more compelling and more addictive than the last. I love: action, adventure, intricate relationships, STEAM!

There is literally very little I can say about this book that doesn’t spoil something. J Bree packed this story with so many twists and turns, so many shocking revelations that I’m still reeling. Prepare for shock, prepare for heartbreak, prepare for trauma and pain. The first 25% of this book broke me. Totally, big hot fat tears running down my face tore me up.

If you thought we saw the full depth of pain and brokenness lurking in these characters, think again. The loss of a loved one at the end of the last book shatters her, she is exposed to the core. I thought we saw the worst of his past, we didn’t. I thought we’d meet the most adversity with that heartbreaking ending, but we didn’t. I WAS DESTROYED – my heart still aches.

Tragic Bonds is truly the tragic, in more ways than we can imagine. But i think that it’s the best of the series so far. J Bree shows us A LOT of beauty in pain. Because with pain comes growth, comes awareness. With pain there can be some strength and solidarity. And that’s exactly what these bonds experience in Tragic Bonds: at their most broken point, at their weakest point, they discover more about themselves, and not only about their powers, but also about their hearts.

Each of these characters, from our energetic yet vulnerable Oli to our stoic and true North, continues to find their best selves as they face insurmountable obstacles. And all because they are growing stronger in their GROWING bond with each other. And in her pain and in her growth, J Bree gives us the entry into the most emotionally deep, moving and powerful series yet. The character growth, the evolving chemistry, the emotional complexity: it’s more than compelling, it’s quite transformative.

Tragic Bonds is finally helping this harem become a true HAREM. After exploring their individual ties with Olly, Draven Bond’s group finds a way to piece together their complex puzzle. How they all fit together, how they all work together, all triggered by the grim reality of just how dangerous and life-threatening this fight will be. Even as the most powerful bonding group known to your world, you have learned the hard way that you can get hurt, you can get hurt, you can LOSE; it is a terrifying reality, but it allows them to find a lot. he needed balance to his destiny family.

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Out of chaos comes a beautiful stability, and this once hesitant, uptight, bickering group has now become a well-oiled machine, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it as they continue to explore their ties with Oli as they move forward as a unit. But most importantly, they begin to heal together.” Recovery is not about wiping the board. Recovery is learning to work with all the open scars and wounds within us.” It’s tragic and beautiful: discovering that you can’t erase your pain, but you can heal by learning to accept the scars.

We’ve got a bit more action here, as the battles seem to be getting closer. But the emotional power is not diluted by the fast pace and suspenseful action sequences. J Bree still gives us quiet and meaningful intimate moments: each character gets a moment to revel in her own character journey. Oli has some really strong moments of self-acceptance and confronting her demons in this story and I love seeing her find her place in this world, but most of all how she finds safety and self-love in her own skin.

And while I still admire Oli as our heroine, some of our heroes also experienced truly catastrophic moments upon entering. These characters not only find each other, but they find themselves: their potential, their purpose, their center. And coping with trauma remains the catalyst for their development.

Of course, just when they feel like they have momentum, J Bree drops a pretty disastrous cliffhanger bomb on us. One that will surely take a final stand, and one that I’m not sure my heart can survive. But as tragic as some parts are, Oli’s bonding group feels more unbreakable than ever. The Bonds that Tie is heartwarming and I can’t wait to see how this ride ends.

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