Download The Girls [PDF] By Emma Cline

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The Girls book pdf download for free or read online, also The Girls pdf was written by Emma Cline.

Emma Cline is from California. Her fiction has appeared in The New Yorker, Tin House, Granta and The Paris Review, and was awarded The Paris Review’s 2014 Plimpton Prize.

BookThe Girls
AuthorEmma Cline
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The Girls Book PDF download for free

The Girls Book PDF download for free

Northern California, late 1960s: At the beginning of summer, a lonely and pensive teenager, Evie Boyd, sees a group of girls in the park and is immediately struck by their freedom, their carefree way of dressing. her dangerous aura of abandonment. Soon Evie is enslaved by Suzanne, a fascinating older girl, and drawn into the circle of a soon-to-be nefarious cult and the man who is its charismatic leader.

Hidden in the hills, her sprawling ranch is spooky and neglected, but to Evie it’s exotic, exciting, charged, a place where she desperately feels like being accepted. As she spends more time away from her mother and the rhythm of her daily life, and as her obsession with Suzanne grows, Evie is unaware that she is growing closer to unimaginable violence.

Emma Cline’s extraordinary debut novel is superbly written and captivating, with razor-sharp precision and startling psychological insight. The Girls is brilliant fiction.

The Girls Book Pdf Download

There is a lot to be said for a debut novel that explores some of the more difficult aspects of life in 1969 and the delicately fragile aspects of a young, impressionable teenager.

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First, I will address the sheer accuracy of some of Cline’s observations about the treatment of women, which not only span adolescence through adulthood, but serve as commentary that gender inequality is not just a thing of the past.

Specifically, for me, there is an important quote that stands for this: “That was part of being a girl: You put up with all the comments you received. If you got angry, you were crazy, and if you didn’t react, you were a slut. All you could do was smile from the corner you were pushed into. Embark on the joke, even if it was always about you.” This is so true of the woman’s journey. Through magazines and TV shows (which are also referenced in the novel) you are told how to act and how to look have, and how you are perceived by society, you have to accept.

Evie is a very insecure fourteen year old in flashback, but honestly, who hasn’t felt insecure and uncomfortable in their own skin at that age? Who hasn’t desperately sought the approval of their parents, peers, or those they are romantically interested in? It’s part of growing up, and I found all of those parts of her personality to be extremely realistic and relatable to me. This novel also explores the discovery of sexuality and sexual preferences, which you experience openly through Evie.

Not only did I enjoy how brutally honest Cline was about the experiences of young teenage girls and how their experiences influence them later in life (through the intervention of the older Evie throughout the novel and as a framework for the story), but I loved it enjoyed the point of seeing turns. I would argue that Young Evie and Older Evie present two completely different storytellers, as Young Evie is naive and desperate for attention or approval, Older Evie is withdrawn and paranoid. There are only minor differences in writing style and wording during these changes, but it was significant enough to have a positive impact on my reading experience.

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Let’s move on to the other important aspect of the novel: the notorious cult factor. Now, for those who know me, I’ve read Helter Skelter by District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi and Manson by Jeff Guinn, so I’m privy to a lot of the details of the Manson family and their heinous crimes, so I would if this book was announced been heavily influenced by his actions, he knew he had to take it back. So I won’t lie to you, that was the main selling point for me.

It’s quite obvious that the three main girls that Evie deals with in the cult are specifically based on the three Manson women Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkle and Leslie Van Houton.

Susan’s character (named Suzanne in this story) plays a much larger role than the other two, who are relegated to being scrappy background characters who hover around Evie and the rest of the cult.

SIDE I found this interesting as Susan Atkins is the only one of the three who is no longer alive and that Cline may have done so in part due to that fact, but it could also just be a coincidence.

Regardless, from the moment they enter the narrative, Evie is absolutely mesmerized by these women. It’s absolutely essential to her character development because not only does she fantasize about being one of them, she falls in love with Suzanne and spends much of her cult experience by her side. Cline does an excellent job of showing how these women were able to become the killers they have become and shows Evie that she understands and understands how capable anyone can be.

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It’s important to remember where this novel is going, and there will be many things that will make you squirm and uncomfortable. This is not a novel for younger teens, but I would recommend it to anyone aged 16 and over. Especially since the narrator spends a lot of time with her experiences as a teenager in this environment.

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