Download The Heretic Royal [PDF] By G.A. Aiken

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BookThe Heretic Royal
AuthorG.A. Aiken
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The Heretic Royal Book PDF download for free

The Heretic Royal Book PDF download for free

Ainsley Farmerson has always wanted to break away from the family business and family drama. But what was once farming, blacksmithing, and bickering at the table has turned into open warfare between sisters. Pages have been turned, lives are at stake, and Ainsley is in no doubt which sister she should become queen. She’ll do whatever it takes to bring down the heartless Beatriz. Even if it means teaming up with angry battle nuns, irritating monks, and overbearing centaurs.

Gruffyn of the Broken Moon Clan has no time for humans. And yet . . . There is something about the uncontrollable princess that she cannot ignore. Maybe it’s the way her older sisters underestimate her. Or her bravery in battles against dragons and mad queens from faraway lands. Whatever the reason, Gruff is ready to fight alongside this human. Not just for the entertainment value, but because he’s right. Beatrice must never become queen. So whatever she has to do, whoever she has to destroy, Gruff will fight alongside Ainsley. Fast. Heavy. And with absolutely no mercy. . .

The Heretic Royal Pdf Download

The Heretic Royal is the third book by G.A. Aiken’s hilarious and wild Scarred Earth saga. Didn’t read the first two? I suggest you do this first, otherwise you are hopelessly lost. If you are offended by gory violence, hot and violent sex with humans and centaurs, and incredibly vulgar language… well, this is definitely not the show for you. However, if you are not sensitive, you will be in a hurry. And to add to the fun, some of the most popular characters from Ms. Aiken’s Dragon Kin series have been added to the mix. wow!

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Ainsley Farmerson-Smythe is one of the younger sisters of Queen Keeley and Gemma the War Monk. She has no interest in being a part of the family professions of farmer, blacksmith, or religious life and she plans to break away from that. But her soulless sister Beatrix is now against her old family and she wants them all dead; She plans to be the last ruler. But the rest of the Farmerson-Smythe clan refuse to let Beatrix win. To do this, she must team up with battle nuns (always angry), monks (always bloodthirsty), and overbearing centaurs.

Gruffyn, of the Broken Moon centaur clan, does not particularly like humans, but for some unknown reason, he is drawn to the uncontrollable princess who marches to the beat of another drum. Her older sisters underestimate her and she is extremely brave when she faces dragons and an angry queen from another land. Whatever happens, Gruff plans to fight alongside Ainsley to destroy Beatrix and her evil minions.

This story was a sexy, bloody, disgusting scream! All the characters on the right are always entertaining, while the evil Beatrix and her minions are very scary. Ainsley was very different from her other sisters; She was a master archer who lived in the trees. She liked trees more than most people. She also wanted to break away from her family business. She certainly had her chance here when the Dragons arrived and Queen Annwyl the Bloody (from The Dragon Kin), mistakenly believing that Ainsley and her sisters were involved in child slavery.

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I found Ainsley more likable than her sister Gemma, who always seemed to put her down. Gruff the centaur was actually my favorite centaur out of the first three books; he was more delicately drawn and seemed to have more personality than the other centaurs. He was the grudge keeper of his clan (boy, those centaurs could hold a grudge!) and he spoke mostly in grunts. Others around him were completely shocked when they heard him talking to Ainsley. He was quite nice and actually seemed a bit shy around Ainsley. However, when he released him, he was the MAN (or CENTAUR)!

They didn’t have a physical romance until near the end of the book, but it was pretty clear when it happened. The appearance of the dragons and Queen Annwyl really made this book so entertaining. This story was extremely bloody and violent, the sex part was lewd, and the language was horrible (the “c” word was used a lot). If all of this offends you, it’s really not going to be to your liking. But once you get over that, you’ll absolutely love these characters. The book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but that’s okay…it means there’s more fun to come!

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