Download Homegoing [PDF] By Yaa Gyasi

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AuthorYaa Gyasi
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Homegoing Book PDF download for free

Homegoing Book PDF download for free

Homegoing, one of Oprah’s Best Books of the Year and PEN/Hemingway Award winner, follows the parallel paths of these sisters and their descendants through eight generations: from the Gold Coast to the Mississippi plantations, from the American Civil War to the Harlem Jazz Age.

Yaa Gyasi’s extraordinary novel sheds light on the troubled legacy of slavery for both those who were kidnapped and those who stayed behind, and how the memory of captivity has etched itself into the soul of our nation.

Homegoing Book Pdf Download

I couldn’t put this book down from cover to cover, I had no choice but to devour it in one day. Telling so many different stories about the black diaspora, it unexpectedly made me laugh out loud, burst out loud and smile deep in my heart as each chapter recounts the triumphs, tragedies and hopes of life through the eyes of another character. captivating. saying.

Extremely well written and a totally unique portrayal of the different aspects of slavery and colonialism that people tend to deal with in historical novels. I loved the format of the book and the different aspects of each character.

Each chapter is like a short story about a different member of each generation of the same family who switches between the bloodlines of two sisters (Esi and Effia). For example, the first chapter is about Esi, the second about Effia, the next two chapters about her children, the next two about her grandchildren, and so on. The family tree at the beginning of the book helps to visualize the context through eight different generations.

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Each story is compelling on its own, leaving you begging to learn more about the character you’re reading about, as well as what will happen to their descendants after them. I love that it tells so many different stories and, at the same time, it’s essentially a story about a family; a story about the black diaspora.

I don’t want to give anything away as there are some unexpected twists in the story, but it alternates between stories of Ghanaian kings, slavery and slave traders on both sides of the Atlantic, the Ashanti-British War in Ghana freeing slaves, and the South-North migration. in America, missionaries in Ghana, even the prison/coal mining business after the end of slavery in America. There are unique insights into stories that are commonly told, like life in Harlem in the 1960s, as well as lesser-known stories, like life in a Ghanaian village.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves great stories. You’ll also appreciate it if you’re slightly interested in historical fiction or aspects of the current/past black diaspora. I learned more about Ghanaian history, African-American history, and the possible motivations of different players in both over time. I also got a taste of the idea of ​​how the actions of each person in a bloodline can affect future generations of his family. I feel that I am better informed and more insightful because I have read this book.

Unknown, Effia and Esi were born to the same mother; but they had dramatically different fortunes. While Effia was married to a British slave trader by her very jealous stepmother, who lived in Cape Coast Castle in present-day Ghana; Esi was held captive in the basement of the same castle and was eventually sold into slavery, ending up across the Atlantic in America. The story then spans generations, with narratives alternating between a descendant of Effia and then Esi.

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I think it was a very brave debut. And Gyasi usually accepts the challenge. I definitely liked the first half of the book more than the second half, the second half was loaded with some clichés. I liked some of the characters and their strengths, like Quay’s ethics and Willie’s stoicism. Some relationships are beautiful, especially those between the “crazy” Akua and Marjorie.

However, some character arcs had more potential for development, such as Sam and Ness. The element of mystery and authenticity was preserved by the fact that Marcus and Marjorie never found out they were related, and that’s probably true of so many descendants whose ancestors were once unnamed slaves. The novel will continue to be a testimony that freedom has a price and must be treasured and preserved.

The book is set against the disturbing backdrop of slavery, one of the most shameful realities in the United States and Britain. Luggage is very heavy to carry; the burden is often borne by generations; also for the tormentor and the sufferer alike.

As stories progress between generations, there is not always a characteristic happier ending, symbolizing the fact that although we have come a long way; there is a much longer road ahead. Ironically, I finished this book on the day a multiracial woman, descended from southern slaves, walked down the aisle of Windsor Castle to marry into the Royal Family of Great Britain.

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